Globi a tripla sospensione Dragée, Nude, Ecru - la valigetta di cousin paul

Globi a tripla sospensione Dragée, Nude, Ecru - la valigetta di cousin paul

CHF 195.00

la case de cousin paul

Triple lighting Ø25/31/38cm

The new collection of globe lights with a refined and unique weaving for all sizes. All globes are woven by hand.
Ball in polyester fibre.

Diameters Ø25cm, Ø31cm, Ø38cm

White woven triple hanging (80 cm - 100 cm - 120 cm), adjustable height

Universal mounting screws provided for all 3 lamps.

Bulbs not included

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Lampada Joseph Bunny - Rose in April

CHF 89.00
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Lampada per gatti Georges - Rose in April

CHF 89.00
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Lampada da scrivania menta - Lifetime

CHF 88.00
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Lampada da scrivania bianca - Lifetime

CHF 88.00
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Lampada da scrivania rosa - Lifetime

CHF 88.00